Always on the right track. CLAAS steering systems.

Improve the quality of your work.
CLAAS steering systems take the pressure off the driver. They show in advance which direction to take, or automatically steer the tractor along the best possible path. Mistakes and overlapping are eliminated. Studies have shown that a modern parallel guidance system can save up to 7% on diesel fuel, machine costs, fertiliser and crop protection products
The GPS PILOT automatic steering system is controlled by the S10 and S7 touchscreen terminals which feature a very simple and user-friendly menu-guided interface.

Automatic steering at the headland.
The AUTO TURN function takes care of turning manoeuvres at the headland. The direction of the turn and the next track to be worked are pre-selected on the terminal. The steering system does the rest.
The correction signals.
- +/– 2 to 3 cm
- Base station
- Range approx. 15 km
- Own reference station or reference signal is provided by the local dealer
- Highest possible repeatable accuracy
- +/– 2 to 3 cm
- Correction signal via mobile phone network
- Dual-frequency signal
- Unrestricted working radius
- Highest possible repeatable accuracy
- Subject to licence
- +/– 4 to 6 cm
- Mobile reference station
- Range 3 to 5 km
- Free of licence fees
- Internal correction signal
- Integrated rechargeable battery
- +/– 5 to 12 cm
- Satellite-based correction signal
- Dual-frequency signal
- Subject to licence
- +/– 15 to 30 cm
- Free of licence fees
- Base accuracy
For further information about steering systems, see the CLAAS Steering Systems brochure or ask your CLAAS dealer.