We at CLAAS Tractor

Satisfied customers require satisfied employees.
Satisfied employees and satisfied customers are important to us. We regard our distributors as our genuine partners. They trust us, and we return their trust. This positive relationship also impacts positively on the relationships between our distributors and our customers. This is why it is so important for us to hear and read their views on the development of CLAAS Tractor SAS over the years. Authentically and in their own words.
Every two years, the human resources department of CLAAS Tractor SAS sends a survey to the company’s 1,000 employees. Almost 100 percent of them say that they are proud to work for CLAAS. This confirms that we are on the right track. For us, it is always important to accept change and to know how we can improve. We have asked a small selection of our employees to summarise in their own words what their tasks and their daily work with CLAAS Tractor mean for them and what motivates them. We have been careful to include colleagues from various areas in and around CLAAS Tractor, and their answers confirm one thing above all: their passion for their work on and with our tractors.
Our employees have every reason to be proud of both their work and CLAAS Tractor SAS.

“We meet customers’ requirements”
Christelle Cugnière
Head of the
Mid-range Tractors product segments
“Every day we compete to make the very best tractor for our most demanding customers. Developing an excellent product that customers love requires a range of different skills, approaches and technologies as well as good ideas, of course. The foundations of our work are customer orientation, an open-minded approach and a good team spirit, and these three pillars constitute our strongest motivators for research and development, project management, industrialisation and customer service. We think along entrepreneurial lines, just like our customers do.”

“I am very excited about the future”
Dr. Martin Von Hoyningen-Huene
Head of the CLAAS Tractors division
“I’m relatively new at CLAAS Tractor SAS, but definitely not new to the tractor segment. I’m very impressed with everything I’ve seen so far, and I’m very excited about the future of CLAAS Tractor. The new factory is state-of-the-art and ready to meet our high expectations regarding sales. The testing and validation centre in Trangé is also very modern and has excellent facilities. The local R&D teams work with the latest tools to meet our ambitious goals. We are currently investing more than 8 percent of our sales into development – that is considerably more than I am accustomed to from my previous employer. This fact is evidence of the CLAAS Group’s strong commitment to the growth of the tractor business and its clear focus on our customers. I’m very excited about the future, and from what I hear from our customers, they are too.”

“We work with full commitment every day to deliver a high-quality product”
Valérie Tessier
Head of Quality Management
“As our customers are becoming more and more demanding, our products are becoming more and more complex. Maintaining our high quality standards therefore constitutes a constantly growing challenge and responsibility that we are only too happy to meet. Our modernised factory gives us the tools we need to achieve these goals. We have new test benches, new lighting systems to allow us to detect even the smallest problems and new, intuitive digital tools that help us identify potential problems before the tractors leave the factory. But that’s not all: We have also implemented an entirely new quality assurance system which ensures that even problems identified after delivery are reported back to the factory and, if necessary, even to the respective station along the production line. CLAAS customers insist on receiving high-quality products, and we work hard every day to ensure that this is precisely what we deliver.”

“There is a mindset of continuous improvement and a solution-oriented approach at all levels”
Fabrice Bardel
Head of Production
“Since I joined CLAAS in 2006 I have held various positions within the production team. Again and again I have been deeply impressed by the innovative spirit within the teams, including the men and women along the production line. There is a mindset of continuous improvement and a highly solution-oriented approach at all levels. Every year, we are confronted with new challenges, and we master them every year. We are all very proud of this new factory and our new, excellent working conditions. Our productivity has already increased, as has the quality that our assembly lines produce. Being prepared for the future helps us focus on the right priorities, and these ultimately ensure our customers’ satisfaction.”

“The level of progress continues to astound me”
Arved Von Bieberstein
Senior Director Strategic Programs Tractor
“I have been supporting the growth of CLAAS Tractor SAS for many years, and the level of progress continues to astound me. Since the acquisition of Renault Agriculture, CLAAS Tractor SAS has proudly acquired a truly international community of dedicated fans at rapid speed. A key element in this is certainly our strong innovative force! We were the first to break through the 400-hp ceiling for standard tractors with our AXION 900; the first to provide a completely unobstructed view of front loader work with the PANORAMIC cab in the ARION 400; and the first to offer a truly practical, self-learning driver assistance system with the CEMOS, for which we were awarded the Sustainable Tractor of the Year 2021 award. Our CLAAS Tractor teams in Vélizy, Le Mans, Trangé, Paderborn, Dissen and Harsewinkel all have one thing in common: They are winning teams. Why? Because we listen very closely to our customers and put our insights into practice in our tractors. For me, it’s a personal joy to be a part of this.”
“Great tractors, outstanding work!”
Trevor Tyrell, Senior Vice-President
(Western Europe & Oceania)
Chief Executive CLAAS UK